Connect with the world.
Connect with a lot of smiles.

colorful estは日本でまだ見ぬ先進的な商品や実用的で面白い商品、いいアイデアを取り入れたオリジナル商品などを日本国内外の人達と繋ぎ、製品や事業を通じて、関わる全ての人々が豊かで笑顔になれることを目指していきます。
colorful est connects domestic and foreign people with advanced products that have not been released in Japan, practical and interesting products, original products with good ideas, etc., and aims to enrich all the people involved and make them smile.
Additionally, while creating the future with you, we would also like to adopt sustainability in what we can do.
Importing good overseas products to Japan.
We help you import your products from overseas to Japan. The challenges of navigating Japanese import regulations and processes can be daunting, let us help you make this journey easier. We are also present at overseas trade fairs to discuss directly with manufacturers to help import products that are not yet available in Japan. Reach out to us to see how we can help you.

Utilizing crowdfunding

また、プロモーション 効果も大きいため、テストマーケティングとしても非常に有効です。また、ブランディングやメディア展開にも非常に有効なので、商品のオリジナリティを高めることができます。
We are actively using crowdfunding which has been getting more and more attentions in Japan.
Also as it has a big promotion effect, it is very effective for test marketing. Moreover, as it is very effective for branding and media development, it enhances the product originality.
Sales channels
We will develop sales channels to reach as many people as possible through wholesale to volume retailers, collaboration with Japanese manufactures, online sales at EC sites such as Amazon and Yahoo Shopping.

We select the best ads for the products and there is no cost for you.
Furthermore, we support your business with various ads such as SNS (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, etc.), list ads, press releases, and more.
私たちは輸入事業・クラウドファンディング事業を成功させるために、大竹秀明氏と海外交渉のスペシャリスト 林一馬氏と強力なチームとしてプロジェクトを進めています。
n 2020, signed a partnership agreement with Mr. Hideaki Otake of Yubiken Co., Ltd. Mr. Hideaki Otake has many import records and is a leader in crowdfunding sales in Japan.
We are working on a strong team with Hideaki Otake and Kazuma Hayashi, an overseas negotiation specialist, in order to make the import business and crowdfunding business successful.
The record of Mr. Hideaki Otake’s overseas import and crowdfunding is below.
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